VO: In 1996, for some unknown reason, digestive issues and obesity began to skyrocket in America.

Reporter: Because according to new government reports, one in three adults and one in six kids are obese.

VO: What happened in 1996?

Dr. Amy Lee VO: And this is the scary part… because most consumers don’t know what they’re eating and what they consuming on a daily basis.

VO: One doctor is finally speaking out.

Dr. Amy Lee: We put in a lot of different types of chemicals, dyes, pesticides, herbicides, into our body and we don’t even know it.

VO: Fortunately, Dr. Lee says there’s also a solution.

Dr. Amy Lee: By doing this one thing, you get benefits of feeling better. The fact that I’m able to help them lose as little as 5% of their body weight – that could promote their health, in a whole different way.

VO: Get ready… because you’re about to learn the truth.


Tell me if this sounds familiar…

When you were younger, eating food made you feel good. You could eat what you wanted and almost never experience weight gain, bloating, or digestive issues.

But as the years have passed, it feels like something has changed.

Bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive issues occur far too often

You have less energy.

And weight gain and food cravings have basically become a way of life.

You’re not sure if it’s something that’s changed inside you… or in the food itself…

Well I’m here to tell you…

It’s BOTH.

My name is Dr. Amy Lee, and I’m proud to be regarded as one of the top weight management and nutrition specialists in Los Angeles.

And I’ve made this video to tell the world about a major event that almost nobody is aware of…

A change to the American food supply that happened almost unnoticed in the year 1996.

In my opinion, this change has led to a spike in digestive discomfort, food cravings, weight gain, and far more serious health problems…

In fact, this one thing, according to the IARC, is now considered to be a probable carcinogen.

And it’s probably in your refrigerator right now.

But there’s good news. Because by understanding exactly what’s wrong, we can finally address the issue head-on…

Leading to a slimmer waistline, more energy, reduced digestive discomfort, and even support heart health.

I call this new method “The Prebio Cleanse”, and you can do it at home in about 2 minutes a day.

And it will leave you feeling CLEAN on the inside… perhaps for the first time in years.

Some of the changes take longer than others, but I can tell you many people who use this method notice they’re having the best bowel movements of their life within just the first few days, including me.

It’s so simple and so effective, and I made this video so everyone in America can finally take back control of their health… and learn the absolutely shocking reason why they lost control in the first place.

Because it is NOT your fault… and starting today, good health can be yours again.

Again, I’m Dr. Amy Lee.

I’m board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, and I’m a member of the National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists and the American Board of Obesity Medicine.

I received my medical degree from the University of Illinois, completed my residency at USC, and studied Clinical Nutrition and Obesity Medicine at world famous UCLA.

And yet in all my education and work experience at the top hospitals in the world, I never once was told about the event in 1996 that I would eventually consider to be “D-Day” for some of the most common health issues in America.

Why do I call it D-Day?

Well, take a look at the graph below:

Diabetes was rising slowly in the United States for decades, but then in 1996 diagnoses of diabetes EXPLODED.

Now, look at this graph of digestive issues. You can see that digestive issues were actually on the decline in America in the 1980s… and then, suddenly, they shot back up to historic levels… starting in 1996.

In just a moment, I’m going to show you another graph that’s the most concerning of all…

Showing this one thing isn’t just wreaking havoc on our weight and digestion, it may even have long term health consequences .

What happened in 1996… and why did this one thing lead to a health crisis that now affects tens of millions of people?

The truth has been hidden from you…

But there is good news.

Today I’m going to reveal how you can help defend yourself and your family from this dangerous thing.

The method is actually fairly simple, and by doing this one thing I’ve seen thousands — yes, thousands — of people transform their health.

This has many health benefits, but some of them you will quickly notice:*

Smoother, more regular bowel movements, and less digestive discomfort

Dramatically reduced food cravings

More energy, all throughout the day

Less belly fat, and in general, the feeling of a healthier body

And best of all…

The peace of mind of knowing you FINALLY understand what’s been going wrong… and know exactly how to stop it.

So, let’s not wait any longer.

Let me tell you the story of the one dangerous chemical that, since 1996, has been in virtually every piece of food you put in your mouth…

A chemical named


The story of this dangerous chemical actually begins way back in 1939.

That year in Switzerland, a chemist named Paul Müller had just stumbled onto an incredibly powerful new insecticide.

It was called Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, or more commonly


DDT was one of the most effective pesticides ever created, and in World War II, the United States started using DDT to prevent insect-borne health threats, such as malaria and typhus.

It was so effective, DDT quickly became the go-to insecticide in America. In fact, Swiss chemist Paul Müller received the Nobel Prize In Medicine for DDT in 1948.

There was just one problem…

DDT was poison.

As the years went on, and DDT was used all over America, people began to notice changes to the local animal populations.

The most glaring problem was that birds were dying… by the millions.

For some strange reason, bird egg shells were becoming weak and brittle. Chicks were dying in droves before they even hatched.

Early reports found DDT had infiltrated vast amounts of soil and water in America, and that wild bird populations were now consuming dangerous amounts of DDT. Sick birds had dangerously high levels of DDT… and researchers knew it.

It wasn’t until the American Bald Eagle — the very symbol of our great country — was on the verge of extinction, and the culprit was shown to almost certainly be DDT….

That the public outcry could no longer be ignored. People said

“Enough is enough”

Well, in 1972, the EPA finally took action and banned DDT in America.

Which, in theory, should have been a good thing, right?

Except that what replaced it... was even worse.

You see, a brand new chemical had just been invented… and it worked even better than DDT at killing weeds.

The chemical was called


Glyphosate was invented in 1974, but you might remember when this weedkiller first hit the American consumer market in the 1980s.

TV commercials featured a suburban dad standing on his lawn, holding a jug of weedkiller with a “sharp shooter” spray dispenser as he blasted weeds like he was a gunslinger in the Old West.

Americans loved the ad… including my family.

In fact, I remember spraying it on weeds around my house when I was growing up. It was like a fun game.

After all, taking care of the lawn is practically an American tradition… something you might even do with your kids or family.

But here’s one thing you did NOT do…

You never took that bottle of weedkiller, opened the cap… and DRANK it.

Of course not. It would be insane to drink weedkiller, right?

Or have your children drink weedkiller?

Or feed it to your pets?

And yet, I can almost guarantee you…

You have probably already drank glyphosate… today.

And yesterday.

And almost every single day, for the past 20 years.

And it could be destroying your health, slowly…

Slow enough that you barely even noticed how many digestive issues and other problems it could be causing.

How did glyphosate get into your food?

Well, let’s start in the 80s.

All that glyphosate that Americans were spraying didn’t just stay on their lawns.

Thanks to sprinklers and hoses, a lot of it got washed down our driveways, into storm drains, and into our water system.

You might think: “Okay, but how much damage could a little glyphosate really do?”

That’s the problem… it was NOT a little amount.

Glyphosate use in the U.S. was a little under 1 million pounds per year in 1974, mostly for agricultural purposes.

By 1995, it was up to 28 million pounds per year.

28 million pounds of chemicals on our food, soil, and water is not a small amount.

And yet, if levels had remained there, things could have stayed manageable.

But in 1996, something happened that would change the health of Americans for years to come.

Researchers stumbled onto a revolutionary new form of technology…

This technology has to do with genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

GMOs are when lab researchers actually alter the DNA of one organism with the DNA of another organism.

Now, there’s a lot of debate about GMOs. Some people feel they are good for society… allowing us to grow bigger tomatoes for instance, to feed more people.

Others feel they are dangerous, because we should not be artificially “hacking” Mother Nature’s delicate balance that has been in place for millions of years.

I can tell you I understand both sides… and I feel there are both important benefits and big problems with GMO technology.

But what happened in 1996 is something that I still find shocking.

Researchers created GMO crops — that were immune to glyphosate.

Why would they do that?

Well, it allowed them to do something they could never do before…

Before 1996, farmers were plagued by weeds that destroyed the viability — and profitability — of their wheat, corn, soy, etc.

The best thing they could do was spray glyphosate on their farmland once before planting crops, and once after.

But they couldn’t spray poison during the planting season, or it would kill the crops.

But in 1996, that all changed.

So-called “Glyphosate-Ready Crops” were created in a lab using complex DNA “hacking" technology.

And these plants were immune to glyphosate.

So now farmers could literally bomb their entire crops with glyphosate — one, two, perhaps even three or more times — and kill all the weeds, but none of the crop.

For the corporate agriculture industry looking to increase profitability, it was like a miracle drug for farming.

Glyphosate virtually eradicated weed problems for big agriculture. Profits soared.

And so did the use of glyphosate.

It started with corn and soybean, but soon glyphosate resistant versions were being created for wheat, beet, canola, cotton, alfalfa, and other staple crops.

Remember how glyphosate use had increased from 1 million pounds in 1974 to 28 million in 1995?

Well, according to the EPA and the National Agricultural Statistics Service, by the year 2000, farmers and consumers were dumping a staggering 79 million pounds of glyphosate a year.

And by 2014, that number was up to 250 million.

250 MILLION pounds of chemicals being sprayed on virtually every type of crop you can imagine.

That’s almost one full pound of chemicals for every man, woman, and child in America.

And yet that entire time, no one stopped to ask a simple question…

Is there a chance that dumping 250 million pounds of chemicals on our entire food supply… is harmful?

When I ask it like that, the answer seems obvious…


Yes, there are side effects to eating and drinking chemicals.

But early tests showed that glyphosate, in small doses, was safe for human consumption. So manufacturers kept selling it at record rates.

But here’s what nobody has explained to the American people…

Let’s look at What Glyphosate Actually DOES... to YOUR Body

Glyphosate is able to kill weeds by attacking a part of plants called the shikimate pathway.

The shikimate pathway is how plants synthesize amino acids. Or to put it in less “sciencey” terms, if you block this part of a plant’s biology, the plant dies.

This is how glyphosate kills weeds.

So when they invented glyphosate, why did they think it would supposedly be safe for humans?

Because humans don’t have a shikimate pathway.

In fact, no animals do.

So yes, in a strict sense, glyphosate shouldn’t be able to harm humans.

Except for one thing…

There IS a shikimate pathway… in bacteria.

I need to explain this, because it’s actually one of the most important aspects of health and part of the truth about glyphosate.

As you may know, your body contains trillions of bacteria. There’s actually 10 bacteria cells in your body for every 1 human cell.

In fact, you have about 2 to 6 pounds of bacteria inside you...right now!

Don’t be grossed out...this isn’t bad. In fact, without all that bacteria, you would actually die.

According to Dr. Lita Proctor of the United States National Institutes of Health:

“Humans don't have all the enzymes we need to digest our own diet. Microbes in the gut break down many of the proteins, lipids and carbohydrates in our diet into nutrients that we can then absorb. Moreover, the microbes produce beneficial compounds, like vitamins and anti-inflammatories that our genome cannot produce.”

--Dr. Lita Proctor, NIH

These beneficial bacteria — which you may know as probiotics — are vital to human health.

Damaging the probiotics in your gut has been shown in countless studies to have negative effects on your body.

According to new data conducted in 2016 by researchers at Harvard Medical School — the top medical school in the world — imbalances in the gut microbiome can lead to all of the following:

Occasional diarrhea, cramping, constipation, and fatigue, because gut microbes are vital to digestion in our intestines

Weight gain — due to a lack of probiotics that help control how much fat is stored in our bodies

Blood Sugar Imbalances — Because having a healthy microbiome has been shown to support blood sugar levels already within the normal range

In short, an imbalance of beneficial bacteria in the gut is now shown in numerous studies to be a massively important part of human health.

And remember… bacteria are dependant on their shikimate pathway.

And glyphosate kills the shikimate pathway.

So yes, technically, glyphosate may not harm human cells…

But it harms our bacterial cells, which are one of the most important aspects of our health and well being.

So saying “glyphosate does not harm humans” is like saying “I didn’t harm you, I just burned down your house.”

And how much glyphosate do we have in our bodies… right now?

Well, last year, Time Magazine published a shocking interview with Paul Mills, professor of family medicine and public health at the University of California San Diego.

He has tracked people over the age of 50 in Southern California from 1993-1996 and from 2014-2016, with researchers periodically collecting urine samples during that time and testing for glyphosate.

In the last two decades, how much would you guess the glyphosate in people’s urine samples had gone up?




In the last two decades, Mills’ research showed glyphosate levels have gone up a staggering 1208%.

This number is both astounding… and disturbing.

The fact is, I and many other doctors now believe glyphosate has a MAJOR negative effect on the way our bodies work.

Now you may be wondering:

“If this is true, then shouldn’t we see a rise in conditions related to gut imbalances...right when Glyphosate-Ready crops were invented?”

Yes. And that is exactly what we see.

1996… Glyphosate Ready crops are created, and their use increases in every year after.

1996… Digestive disorders, after being in decline for decades, begin to exponentially increase.

1996… Diabetes rates, steady for many years, begin to skyrocket.

And look at this:

In 1997, 19.4% of Americans were obese.

In 2017, a staggering 39.8% of Americans are now obese.

You read that right… in the last 20 years, the American obesity rate has more than doubled.

Doubled! Humans have been around for thousands and thousands of years, and then in less than one generation, the obesity rate doubles out of nowhere.


Are people eating twice as much food? No.

Are people exercising half as much?

No way. In fact, it seems like a new gym opens up every single day.

Do we care less about nutrition? Definitely not… Americans are dieting more and learning more about nutrition than ever before.

TV hosts, from Dr. Oz to Oprah to The Doctors, are providing information on health and wellness that millions of people watch every day.

This is what drove me crazy when I was trying to lose weight and fix my own digestive problems…

I felt like I was doing EVERYTHING right, everything I had been told, eating good foods and healthy ingredients…

And yet for some reason… I just felt I was being SABOTAGED, for reasons I simply couldn’t explain.

I felt SICK, on the inside… like something was getting into me that was wrong, even though I couldn’t see or taste or smell it.

That is, until I learned about glyphosate and its effect on bacterial imbalances… which create the exact health problems I had been struggling with for years.

Well, for a long time now, I have been speaking about the dangers of this chemical.

Sadly, the propaganda in support of glyphosate is massive —

Keep in mind, glyphosate is not only the most widely used herbicide in the world… but also one of the most profitable.

Then, in 2015, something happened that could not be ignored.

The World Health Organization’s research arm, after much analysis, released a shocking new report:

Glyphosate, they said, was “probably carcinogenic to humans”...

Meaning probably causes cancer.

If you think that glyphosate was taken off the shelves after this announcement, I’m sad to say it was not.

In the mainstream media, the announcement was buried and ignored.

But these aren’t just statistics. Real people are being affected.

The most well-known case is probably Dewayne Johnson, who worked as a groundskeeper for a public school system in California.

For years, the 46-year old Johnson was a hard-working groundskeeper. He mixed gallons and gallons of glyphosate weedkiller, about 30 times a year.

Like everyone else, he was told it was perfectly safe.

Then, out of nowhere, he developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Based on research by dozens of experts that linked his cancer to glyphosate, Johnson sued the makers of the chemical, and in 2018 the case went to trial.

Experts were brought in from both sides to describe the effects glyphosate has on the human body.

In the end, the jury was asked a series of questions:

"Did [the makers of glyphosate] know or should reasonably have known that users would not realize the danger?"

The jury answered “Yes.”

"Did [the makers] fail to adequately warn of the danger?"

The jury answered “Yes.”

"Was [their] failure to warn a substantial factor in causing harm to Johnson?"

Again, they answered: “Yes.”

The jury awarded Johnson $39 million dollars in damages, and eventually another $39 million dollars in punitive damages to punish the giant chemical company.

In the judge’s words:

They "acted with malice, oppression or fraud and should be punished for its conduct."

That may seem like a lot of money, but to a billion dollar chemical company, it’s merely a drop in the bucket.

And Johnson will likely never see any of the $39 million judgment. The decision is being appealed, and can be tied up in courts — a common corporate strategy — for years to come.

Meanwhile, Johnson is not expected to live past the next year.

And he’s not the only one who has been harmed.

As of this writing, there are over 9,000 lawsuits filed against the makers of glyphosate.

And literally, today — as I’m writing this, on February 14th, 2019 —

The Guardian reports new evidence that suggests people with high exposures to glyphosate “have a 41% increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma.”

This meta analysis was conducted by 5 scientists in the United States, from three prestigious medical institutions: the University of California Berkeley, the University of Washington, and the Icahn School of Medicine.

Now let me ask you a question:

If glyphosate is so dangerous to our bodies and digestive tracts that it may cause a 41% increase in cancer risk at high exposures...

Is it really hard to believe that low-level exposure, for 20 years, is causing so many of the digestive and physical problems that ail Americans like you and me?

My opinion is YES. And the evidence becomes more and more overwhelming, every single day.

If this makes you angry, you are not alone.

We need to take matters into our own hands… because if we don’t protect ourselves, nobody is going to do it for us.

And that’s the point I reached several years ago.

I knew that for myself, my family — and the people under my care — just ignoring this problem was not an option.

People are struggling with digestive issues, weight gain, and a host of even worse problems, and these issues aren’t going to just go away on their own.

So what did I do… for them, and for myself?

Well, the first thing I realized was that getting rid of glyphosate was not going to happen anytime soon.

Firstly, glyphosate is still in wide use in most crops in America.

But even if we banned it tomorrow, it would still be DECADES before glyphosate is cycled out of our food supply.

Keep in mind, glyphosate isn’t just on the crops themselves…

20 years of spraying — a total of 3 billion pounds of glyphosate, a number that shocks even me —

Has infected the entire topsoil layer of the world’s farmlands. There’s no way to get rid of that. It is literally baked into the soil.

And even if you could get it out of the soil, it’s also in the water.

A 2002 report from the U.S. Geological Survey found glyphosate in 36% of midwestern water samples. It’s degradation product, known as AMPA, was found in 69% of samples.

And a separate test found that by 2014, glyphosate was detected in a staggering 70% of household drinking water in America.

That means that even if you buy non-GMO food, which was grown organically, without glyphosate…

In fact, even if you grow your own food in your own backyard...

Glyphosate is still raining down on the crops. It’s actually in the air.

It’s in our faucets!

It would take a generation, at least, to fully remove this chemical from our water and soil. Obviously, for people who want help NOW with health issues, this is simply too long to wait.

So, I began thinking in terms of not just removing glyphosate — but supporting our gut and microbiome, where the damage was being done.

After all, if your house gets robbed, do you try and eradicate all crime in the world?

No… you buy a deadbolt and an alarm, and protect yourself and your family.

So that’s exactly what I did with my health.

I began researching all the ways in which I could help my body create an “ironclad” gut lining… something strong enough to handle the damage chemicals cause to our microbiome.

Something that could help me with the weight gain, the fatigue, the food cravings, the bloating, and the bathroom issues I’d been plagued with for years and years.

I first experimented with probiotic supplements.

Probiotics are actually great, and I do recommend them to my clients.

However, they are not entirely enough.

Firstly, just having more probiotics themselves are not the “goal.” In my research, I quickly learned that more is not always better.

In fact, despite the proven benefits of probiotics, many scientists are still not fully sure exactly how they work.

I’ll admit, even after years of studying them, I knew they were beneficial… but could not say with certainty exactly how they were helping.

Well, after many years of research, I finally zeroed in on exactly what it was the probiotics were doing that was so helpful.

Based on my research, it’s not the probiotics themselves that are most helpful...

It’s what probiotics produce in your gut that’s really beneficial.

And what probiotics produce is a very special substance called


Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid that does something truly incredible:

It strengthens the cells in your gut lining.,

Let’s talk about that for a moment. You’ve already learned how important your digestive tract is, and how issues there can cause bloating, digestive discomfort, occasional constipation, unpleasant bowel movements, storing too much fat, and a host of other problems.

But what you may not know is that despite how important it is to protect your digestive tract, the walls of your gut…

Are only ONE CELL thick.

Yes, 1 cell! It’s about the thinnest thing you can imagine.

It needs to be thin so your intestines can absorb nutrients and keep you healthy. But the bad news is, that means it can tear very easily if “bad guys” like glyphosate get into your digestive tract.

This, in short, is what we call “Leaky Gut” — when “holes” in your digestive tract lead to toxins leaking out and spreading all through your body.

Achy joints, fatigue, digestive problems and more are all associated with “Leaky Gut.”

But here’s the amazing thing…

Your body naturally makes something that not only soothes the gut lining… it actually repairs it.

And that thing is butyrate.

Elevated butyrate levels in humans are associated with a host of benefits, not the least of which is an improvement in all those frustrating digestive problems.

Butyrate is the “repair man” of your gut. It acts like a bunch of big, tough bodyguards, clasping arms, keeping bad guys from barging through the walls of your gut.

Okay, so if your gut bacteria already produces butyrate and probiotics make even more butyrate… why do you not have enough butyrate in your gut?

Because both your gut bacteria and probiotics need fuel to make butyrate. And of all the food sources on earth, there is one specific source that they love to turn into butyrate:

Prebiotic Fiber

If you take only one thing away from this video, please let it be that there are very few things more important to intestinal health than prebiotic fiber in your daily diet.

While all fiber is good for you, not all fiber is prebiotic fiber. Prebiotic fiber is fiber that specifically cannot be digested by your digestive tract.

That means this kind of PREbiotic fiber remains intact when it gets to your gut, and your PRObiotics get to eat it.

It’s like “air mailing” a package of good stuff straight to the bacteria in your gut, where they need it most.

So let’s put this all together:

You Eat Prebiotic Foods —> The Probiotics and Natural Bacteria In Your Gut Eat The Fiber —> They Turn It Into Butyrate —> Butyrate Supports Your Gut

And because of this, prebiotics have been shown to support all of the following:

They help reduce food cravings, because prebiotic fiber makes you feel full

They soothe your intestinal tract, because they enhance your body’s production of butyrate, the “gut wall fixer”

They help create smoother, more regular bowel movements

Studies show they can help you lose weight

They even have a positive effect on supporting good heart health

ALL of this is caused by the benefits of prebiotics and butyrate in your gut.

Okay, so what foods contain prebiotic fiber?

Firstly, not all high fiber foods actually have the best prebiotic fiber.

For instance, broccoli and kale are high fiber foods, and very good for you… but not high in prebiotic fiber.

So what are the best foods for prebiotic fiber? Well, for the most part, they’re a little tougher to come by.

My top 5 choices are:

Chicory roots



Jerusalem artichokes

And onions

These foods are all packed with the types of prebiotic fiber that feed the naturally occurring probiotics in your body, and help them produce butyrate.

And if you eat all of these, every day, you’re going to notice some big improvements in your health.

But, there’s a few problems.

Firstly, things like chicory and Jerusalem artichokes are tough to squeeze into your daily diet.

And not everybody loves the taste of all these foods.

Moreover, while eating these foods was probably enough for our ancestors to maintain a strong gut lining…

Modern humans, as you know, are dealing with a new problem:


In other words, our guts are in BAD shape. And a little boost, while beneficial, is not going to give you the dramatic improvements you may be looking for.

So last year, I set out to create something that would be radically different from anything I had recommended to my clients before.

I wanted to create a prebiotic that wasn’t just easy to use — but also powerful.

I began researching prebiotic rich foods, and then went further, breaking down the actual prebiotic extracts of food sources.

That means I was studying pure, concentrated prebiotics in their raw form… the thing that makes the foods so healthy.

While I studied hundreds of ingredients, I kept coming back to 5:

Inulin, the highly-concentrated prebiotic found in chicory, artichoke, and garlic that can provide improved digestion and smoother bowel movements

Beta-Glucan, a microbiome booster to help support digestive health, healthy cholesterol levels already within the normal range, and even heart health

FOS - the “energy” prebiotic

L-arabinose — a natural prebiotic specializing in supporting healthy blood pressure already within the normal range

And Konjac — the most powerful weight loss prebiotic I have ever studied

Individually, I had had great success with each of these.

But nobody had ever combined them before in the correct proportions.

I tinkered with my formula for a while, and eventually I had come up with the perfect balance of prebiotics…

Best of all, I solved the “difficulty” problem of eating multiple prebiotics a day by turning this formula into one simple, daily drink…

A drink my clients and I could take every day to “clean out” our insides with healthy, gut-boosting prebiotics.

Virtually the day I began using my concentrated formula, it was like a switch got flipped.

I could feel the potent fibers gently “cleaning” me out… on the inside.

I started giving it to select clients as well, people who were in desperate need of help and hadn’t had success from other solutions.

And while I had planned on waiting months to hear from people about the effects on digestive problems, I have to admit, I was shocked when people started using it…

Several people told me it was making big changes… not in weeks or months, but in days.

Specifically, people were telling me they were having the best bowel movements of their lives…*

*Individual results will vary. (keep on screen…)

I wasn’t totally surprised though… I was having the exact same experience!

As time went on, I noticed the deeper benefits — less gas and bloating, more energy, vastly reduced food cravings, a slimmer waistline —

And best of all, I just felt HEALTHIER… like my body was finally working right, for the first time in years.

And when I looked in the mirror, I could SEE the changes…

And my clients were telling me the exact same thing:

“Dr. Lee, I just wanted to fix my digestive issues… I had no idea I could actually LOOK better.”

(end disclaimer here)

It sounds amazing, but it’s not… every year the evidence gets stronger.

Gut Health IS Health

And there is almost no part of your body that isn’t impacted by a healthy microbiome.

I asked the lab to come up with a larger batch of this “prebiotic cleanse”

Enough so that I could start giving it to friends, family, and anyone who wanted to finally put these frustrating problems behind them, once and for all.

We called this new formula

Prebio Cleanse

Prebio Cleanse is the first and only prebiotic formula to combine these exact ingredients for maximum digestive health...

And finally help fight back against the damage caused to our microbiome by GMOs, and the dreaded chemical glyphosate.

It takes all the strongest, most potent forms of prebiotics in the world’s most fiber-rich foods…

And combines them into one simple, easy to use drink.

Just mix one scoop of Prebio Cleanse with water, stir, and drink once a day in the morning.

It’s tasteless, so you can drink it on its own, or mix it with your favorite beverage — lemonade, tea, or anything else you like.

Then, these powerful prebiotics go to work inside you. Just one serving a day is all it takes to support all of the following:*

Improved gut health, thanks to your body naturally producing more butyrate

Smoother, more regular bowel movements

Far less food cravings for sugar and carbs, as these prebiotics naturally make you feel more full

More energy, to help you do the things you love

Stronger immune health from an improved microbiome

A slimmer waistline, thanks to prebiotics shown in scientific studies to help weight loss

And best of all — a healthier, stronger body to help defend against the ravages of the modern food supply

The best part is, it’s foolproof — anybody can do it, and it takes less than 2 minutes a day.

The prebiotics were designed to go straight to your gut, where your natural probiotics consume it, create butyrate, and begin transforming your gut and your health. All you have to do is drink it.

It’s an easy, simple, and POWERFUL way to cleanse and boost your body, inside and out.

I’m going to tell you how you can get Prebio Cleanse in just a moment, but first, let me explain how we achieved these dramatic results.

The secret is in the 5 specific types of prebiotic I chose.

Specifically, a revolutionary prebiotic called Inulin.

Inulin is a super-fiber derived mainly from chicory roots.

Thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt, the Egyptians used chicory roots to help digestive problems, but until recently, the modern world forgot about this technique.

That is, until several recent trials began showing that inulin may be one of the most potent and beneficial prebiotics ever studied.

The main benefit of inulin is probably on improving bowel movements.

Let’s face it — we don’t talk about pooping much in our society, but it’s probably one of the biggest factors in our daily happiness.

If you suffer from occasional constipation, diarrhea, or cramping when going to the bathroom, it can really sap the joy from your day.

That’s where inulin comes in.

In 2014, the University of Madrid conducted an extensive meta-analysis of 252 subjects studied over the course of 18 years to determine the short and long-term effects of inulin on bowel function.

They studied effects on stool frequency — how often people can poop

Stool consistency — how firm and non-watery the bowel movements were

Transit time — how quickly food moved through the body

And hardness of stool — how soft and easy it was to pass it is

The researchers wanted to know if Inulin had an effect on any of these things.

Well, the research showed inulin improved ALL of them.

Inulin has been shown to help provide the kind of bowel movements we all want:

Not too hard, not too soft, easy to pass without straining, and more frequent for people suffering with occasional constipation.

This is thanks to the “cleaning out” effect of prebiotic fiber. Have you ever had to call a plumber over to “snake” a clogged drain?

Well, that’s kind of what inulin does inside your body - but in a gentle, natural way.

The best thing about prebiotic fiber for bowel issues is that you generally don’t need to wait long to see the effects. Many users report the best BM’s of their life… within just the first few days of use.

As a doctor who specializes in nutrition and digestive health, I can tell you there’s nothing wrong with talking about good poops… in fact, it’s something I tell my clients to be proud of!

And with a formula like this, it’s something anybody can achieve.

Inulin is also a natural probiotic booster in the gut… specifically, the types of probiotic known as bifidobacterium — which are associated with weight loss.

This is why, while many fibers are helpful for weight loss, I’ve found that inulin is by far one of the best.

In 2015, researchers at the Imperial College of London studied the effects of inulin in a randomized, controlled trial in their Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism division.

44 adult subjects who had been advised by doctors to lose 5% of their body weight were given either inulin or cellulose, a different kind of fiber.

Well, after 9 weeks, both groups had successfully lost about 5% of their body weight.

But according to researchers:

“The inulin group lost significantly more weight between 9 and 18 weeks.”

In fact, the inulin group eventually lost up to 7.6% of their body weight!,

In other words, inulin helped people lose weight… KEEP it off… and CONTINUE losing weight for weeks to come.

The study also found the amazing side benefit of having a positive effect on fat levels in the liver.

So called “deep fat” around the organs is a major health hazard, and is also one of the the main reasons for a big, protruding belly. It’s the worst kind of fat in the body, and something you definitely want less of, even if you’re skinny.

And several studies, both in animals and humans, have found that inulin can even increase calcium absorption and support healthy bone density… which is something we all need, especially as we get older.,

But Prebio Cleanse is not just inulin. It also contains another powerful prebiotic known as fructooligosaccharides, or


FOS are naturally sweet prebiotic fibers. They’ve been used for several years in baby formula, because they’re gentle on the stomach and shown to improve bacterial health in infants.

But my research has found they may have even more profound benefits on adults.

In one 2016 study, FOS was found to not only help women lose weight, but also to target the dreaded “deep fat” that builds up around our organs.

And in 2015, researchers at the University of Glasgow in Scotland determined that FOS not only helps control food cravings and suppress appetite, they actually help improve “energy homeostasis”...

Meaning they provide balanced energy, throughout the day.

One way they do this is by helping maintain already-healthy blood sugar levels…

So if you’re somebody who keeps an eye on blood sugar, FOS are a natural way to help your body maintain healthy blood sugar levels already within the normal range.

But our cleanse doesn’t stop there. It also contains the prebiotic


Glucomannan is naturally soluble fiber derived from a Japanese root called konjac.

It 2005, researchers first learned that glucomannan was actually promoting increased levels of healthy bacteria in the gut…. Specifically lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, two of the main probiotics you want in your digestive tract.

These are the types of bacteria disrupted by glyphosate, and crucial to whole-body health.

And later, researchers at the University of Michigan labeled glucomannan a “bulk-forming” bowel movement enhancer.

According to the researchers at Kaiser Permanente:

“Glucomannan promotes a larger, bulkier stool that passes through the colon more easily and requires less pressure — and subsequently less straining — to expel.”

In other words, it provides big but soft poops… the kind that pass easily and make you feel good!

But this is just the beginning.

Glucomannan has also been shown to support thyroid health.

And I’ve also included the prebiotic l-arabinose, a heart-healthy fiber that studies in rats has shown can help maintain healthy blood pressure already within the normal level.

This study was specifically conducted on rats who had been fed a high carb, high fat diet…

Very similar to the modern American diet most of us have been exposed to all our lives, loaded with glyphosate and other harmful chemicals.

Well, the rats in this study didn’t just get healthier blood pressure when taking l-arabinose…

They also lost significant amounts of weight

Thanks to decreased levels of leptin — the so-called “hunger hormone.”

This is one of the first things people notice when they begin taking prebiotics…

For some reason, they just aren’t as hungry anymore.

If you’ve ever dieted, you know this is the #1 biggest obstacle to losing weight…

We all start off with the best intentions… but hunger cravings usually sabotage our results.

That’s why I love prebiotics. They make you feel more full… no matter what you’re eating.

In other words, prebiotics improve the success of ANY diet, by fighting the number one enemy of weight loss... cravings.

And last but not least, Prebio Cleanse contains a powerful prebiotic known as Oat Beta-Glucan.

Oat Beta-glucan, too, is great for supporting glycemic health.

But even more astounding, oat beta-glucan has been shown to be the ultimate “heart healthy” prebiotic.

This is so fantastic, because as we get older, heart health is one of the most important aspects of longevity.

And we all want to live a long healthy life, so we can be there for the people who depend on us.

So while you may not take prebiotics specifically to help support your heart health — it’s a pretty great added benefit!

Weight loss, increased energy, fewer cravings, better digestion, smoother poops, and support for your heart health, thyroid and other organs, even bone health...

These are just some of the findings of the dozen scientific studies I’ve just shared with you showing the wide-ranging power of the specific, powerful prebiotics we used for this formula .

But the truth is, if I wanted to go on for a few more hours, I could share literally hundreds more studies. The evidence is simply overwhelming.

And a decade ago, it would almost have been a mystery —

How can these 5 prebiotic fibers have such a MAJOR impact… on SO MANY aspects of health?

But as you now know, that mystery has been solved.

Prebiotics aren’t just a healthy food.

They are a superfood which does something incredible…

They improve the health of your gut and microbiome —

And they boost your natural production of butyrate, your “gut hero” that literally restores gut health from the inside.

So no, this is not some unexplained phenomenon.

I have now come to believe that gut health IS health.

We are under assault, every day, from toxins and chemicals like glyphosate that our ancestors — even many of our grandparents — never had to deal with.

And by creating a potent blend of the most powerful prebiotics on the planet, we can fight back against “leaky gut” issues and bacterial imbalances

And FINALLY achieve the health benefits that have eluded us for so long.

What would it be worth to you to finally achieve a healthy gut?*

*Individual results may vary

(keep on screen…)

To say goodbye to the many unhealthy food cravings for carbs and sweets caused by an imbalanced gut bacteria.

To slim down, and see inches vanishing from your waistline, day after day, week after week?

To finally have a way to tackle digestive discomfort, occasional constipation and diarrhea, and bloating

To look FORWARD to going to the bathroom, not dread it.

To have all-day energy that makes you want to go out, be active, and socialize with family and friends...

To have the freedom to travel, take a hike, or just play with kids and grandkids, because you look and feel healthier than you have in years?

(end disclaimer)

For me, this feeling is what makes life worth living… and seeing other people achieve it is my proudest joy as a doctor.

On that note, I want to invite you to try Prebio Cleanse for yourself.

Currently, Prebio Cleanse is not available in stores, and is only made by our third-party lab.

And unlike standard prebiotic foods, or even other prebiotic supplements I used to try, which rely on cheap “filler” ingredients —

Prebio Cleanse was created by me, a doctor and weight loss expert, using only the most powerful prebiotic extracts.

We sourced from some of the most unique and potent plant fibers on Earth, and painstakingly formulated them until we had the dose perfect for maximum benefit.

I’m so proud of this formula, and the incredible results we’ve achieved.

And as you probably guessed, distilling the most powerful prebiotic extracts from chicory roots, leeks, and other food sources from around the globe is a time consuming and expensive process.

For that reason, when Prebio Cleanse is available in stores, my team tells me it will probably retail for around $99 for a one month supply.

Which is actually a fantastic deal when you consider the thousands of dollars people spend on diets, meal programs, and supplements to try and get just a fraction of the benefits we’ve seen from prebiotics.

But because you’ve watched this entire video, and I know you’re serious about finally taking control of your health, I’ve asked my team to dramatically lower the price of Prebio Cleanse for a limited amount of time

So you can try this incredible formula and see the results for yourself.

So if you order Prebio Cleanse today, you’re not going to spend $99, or $89, or even $79.

Because you’ve watched this video, you can experience the whole-body wellness of Prebio Cleanse for just $49.

That’s $50 off the retail price!

But remember, this offer is only available for people who have watched this presentation, and only until our current supplies run out.

And supplies WILL sell out.

When they do sell out, this offer will be taken down and Prebio Cleanse will only be available on our Nucific website for the normal price of $99.

This is an incredible offer, and if you take it, I only ask two things:

First, when you notice changes after using Prebio Cleanse — *

*Individual results may vary

The slimmer waistline, the smoother bowel movements, the surge of energy and feeling of being “clean” on the inside —

Write in to tell me about it!

My email address is [email protected]. Hearing about how people have taken back control of their health and achieved their personal dreams is probably my greatest joy as a doctor.

And the second thing I ask — and this is really important —

Please talk to your friends and loved ones about the dangers of glyphosate.

This chemical is wreaking havoc on our bodies, and so far, our elected leaders have done almost nothing to curtail its use.

DDT was only banned when Americans rose up and said “Enough is enough.” Now, we need to do the same with herbicides that have been shown to damage the beneficial bacteria in our bodies.

I’ve tried to do my part by speaking out, talking to my patients, and creating this video. Now, we need to spread the word even more.

And speaking of spreading the word, a lot of our early Prebio Cleanse users wrote in to tell me that they loved this formula so much, they shared it with friends and family too.

For that reason, I’ve created some multi-jar options, with extra discounts to help you save even more.

When you order 3 jars of Prebio Cleanse, you’ll pay only $43 a jar.

That means that for just a dollar and change a day — less than the price of a cup of coffee — you could finally be on the path to feeling fantastic, and saying goodbye to some of the most frustrating issues we all struggle with.

And we’ll even include free shipping!

And when you order 6 jars of Prebio Cleanse, you’ll save even more.

It’s hard for me to explain how good the benefits of Prebio Cleanse can make your body feel after 3 or 4 months of extended use…*

*Individual results may vary

So I want to make sure you’re stocked up, and have enough to truly see the long-term effects on your weight, energy, digestion and overall health.

If you’re ready to join thousands of other people who have already felt this joy, click the “Next Step” button below, and let’s get started right now.

When you click the link below, you’ll be taken to our Nucific website. If you see our 3 and 6 jar packages, that means they’re still available and you can still take advantage of those really big extra savings.

Our website is protected by the latest security technology, and you can pay with any major credit card, so you can earn points and miles while taking care of your health.

You can also call the phone number at the top of the page to order. Our friendly staff is located in the United States, right here in Southern California.

We’re not a “giant corporation.” We started Nucific to give real, hard-working people natural ways to regain their health and their confidence.

I’ve worked hard for many years to build a reputation as a trusted professional in the community. For me to put my name on something, I have to really believe in it.

With Prebio Cleanse, I’m just so proud of this formula. Our results have exceeded all of my expectations.

And you probably guessed this already, but there are NO harmful chemicals in Prebio Cleanse.

These prebiotics are derived from all-natural plant sources, and each batch is third-party tested for quality, purity, and potency.

That means every jar has in it EXACTLY what it says on the label. And it will remain fresh on your shelf for a year or more.

Best of all, every single order comes with our 90-Day, Money Back Guarantee.

Yes, that means you can use every single drop, and if you don’t see ALL the results our other users have — *

*Individual results may vary

The smoother digestion, the slimmer waistline, the stronger, healthier body…

*Individual results may vary

Just send it back for a full refund of the purchase price. Even if it’s just the empty bottles.

THAT is how certain I am that you’re going to love the way Prebio Cleanse changes your life, the same way it did for me and thousands of other people.*

So please, don’t put off your health any longer. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

You deserve good health, not next month or next year, but right now.

So Click the “Next Step” button below, and let’s get started.

And thank you once again for watching this video, and for sharing with friends who haven’t heard about the dangers of glyphosate on our health.

Some people will go the rest of their lives without ever knowing why their health problems get worse, day after day, year after year.

You and I know what it’s like…

You eat food that should make you feel good, but it makes you feel bad.

You wonder “I just ate a normal meal… why do I feel so bloated and gross?”

You try diets that make you grouchy and frustrated, diets that never seem to work…

And if they DO work, the weight comes back within months, or sometimes less than a week.

You struggle with digestive discomfort, unpleasant bowel movements, and start relying on all those “quick relief” tablets for help…

Which are packed full of artificial chemicals… the exact kind that tear up your gut lining, and make the problem WORSE.

Your energy levels go down, you feel sluggish, and you just don’t feel like being active, or socializing with friends.

It’s like your body has given up on you… and it makes you feel like giving up on trying to fix it.

But as a doctor, I can NEVER let my patients or clients give up.

I never let myself give up.

And I will never let YOU give up on your health.

I know what it’s like to feel bad on the inside, but I’m here to tell you there IS a solution…*

*Individual results may vary

And if you take one small step, your best years are not behind you… they’re in front of you.

*Individual results may vary

You CAN feel better.

*Individual results may vary

You CAN be slimmer, healthier, and happier.

You can have the confidence to do anything you want. You can have the body you need to stay healthy for your family for years and years to come —

And to be the best version of yourself, someone you look forward to seeing in the mirror, each and every day.

And the amazing thing is, this isn’t impossible, or even hard to do.

Thousands of people — including me — have made this change, and it was literally one of the most important decisions I have made in my entire life.

To finally be rid of these frustrating symptoms… there are just no words to describe it.

But nobody can do it for you. If you want to feel healthier — cleaner — BETTER —

You have to take that all-important first step.

Will you do it?

Click the “Next Step” button below, and join me in achieving the health and happiness you deserve.

To your present and future health,

I’m Dr. Amy Lee

Still here? If so I'm guessing it's because you still have some questions about Prebio Cleanse. So I want to take a moment to answer some of the common questions we receive now...

First Question: How will I know it's working?

My Answer: Simple – you will feel it!

Increased energy, more regular bathroom habits, and just feeling better. These are just a few of the benefits you should notice - possibly in the first few days.*

*Individual results may vary (keep on screen)

The deeper benefits may take a little longer to set in... however, these are the ones you will SEE when you look in the mirror... and FEEL when you get on the scale!

These prebiotics really do work like magic together. Many are surprised to discover just how powerful a daily “cleanse” can be.

Prebio Cleanse combines 5 of Nature's most powerful prebiotics and if your improved digestive support doesn't convince you... what you will see in the mirror after using it will!

Question # 2: How do I take Prebio Cleanse?

For best results, mix one scoop of Prebio Cleanse with 8 ounces of water, or any beverage you like. Then just stir and drink!

You can take Prebio Cleanse at any time of day, but I suggest taking it at the same time each day to help stay consistent and make sure you never miss a day. Whether you prefer the morning, before bed, or during the day is entirely up to you.

That being said, if you’re trying to lose weight, I highly recommend taking Prebio Cleanse when you’re trying to suppress your appetite — the natural fibers will make you feel full, and you won’t have those nagging food cravings.

So a lot of people take it in the morning … and they’re not hungry at all until lunchtime!

What happens if I miss a day?

Ideally, you want to take Prebio Cleanse on a consistent, daily basis, so that your beneficial bacteria are getting prebiotic fuel to create butyrate each and every day. This helps prevent so-called “bad bacteria” from taking over your gut.

But don’t panic – in the event you miss a dose, or even an entire day, just proceed as normal the next day. With prolonged use of prebiotics, your gut is “tough” enough to miss a day here and there!

You can also feel free to drink an extra glass 2 or even 3 times a day if you love the effects and want even smoother digestion or more help controlling hunger and cravings.

Do I have to refrigerate Prebio Cleanse?

No, you don’t need to refrigerate Prebio Cleanse. The ingredients in this formula are not perishable, and don’t contain any “living” things like probiotics.

Does it contain caffeine?

No. This formula has no stimulants, so you’ll never get jittery effects like some other supplements. The increased energy you feel throughout the day comes completely from natural changes inside your body’s microbiome.

How long before I start seeing results?

Everyone's system is different, and everyone has been exposed to different levels of glyphosate over the last 20 years, so people notice changes at different times. I can tell you I had significantly more energy the first week of use, and better bowel movements even quicker, within the first few days.*

*Individual results may vary

(keep for whole answer)

But in general, I feel you should give Prebio Cleanse at least 30 days to work its full magic, and some folks really start to see dramatic results after 60 days.

If you’re taking the recommended dosage of one drink daily, getting your regular exercise, and not overdoing it on carbs and sweets, you will start seeing results within those first 1-2 months.

And once that weight starts coming off, you can expect it to stay off... along with feeling healthier, happier, and more energetic!

And the last question – Can I buy Prebio Cleanse in stores?

This time, the answer is no. In order to maintain our high standards of quality yet still keep our prices low, we've decided to cut out the middle man and deliver Prebio Cleanse straight to you.

And now, with this special Online Only Offer, you can get it at the lowest price we've ever offered! And of course, every order comes with our 90-Day, Money Back Guarantee, so you can try it risk free for 3 full months and really fall in love with the way it makes you look AND feel.

Ok, so what are you waiting for? Click on the button below, and place your order now.

And let me be the first to congratulate you on this wise decision to invest in your health and happiness.